Khal Agudas Achim of Lawrence Bais Hamedrash Heichal Reuven
Erev Shabbos, January 31 7:05am Daf Yomi Shiur by R' Dovid Beiss 8:00am Shachris 4:53pm Candle Lighting 5:01pm Mincha
Parshas Bo, February 1 8:15am Daf Yomi 9:00am Shachris 9:36am סוף זמן ק''ש
Kiddush following davening is sponsored by
Moshe & Esther Rochel Wolf לז''נ his father ר' שמואל ב''ר ראובן ע''ה Baila Barenbaum and Aaron Adest לז"נ their father ר' אליקים יהודה ב"ר יוסף חיים הכהן ע"ה 4:45pm Mincha 6:03pm Maariv
Sunday, Feb 2 7:35am Daf Yomi Shiur by R' Dovid Beiss 8:30am Shachris
Monday, Feb 3 - Thursday, Feb 6 7:05am Daf Yomi Shiur by R' Dovid Beiss 8:00am Shachris
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Dovid & Debbie Greenblatt on the recent marriage of their granddaughter Tova, daughter of Rabbi Chaim & Shaindle Fink to Zevi Goldbaum
Willy & Pupsie Beer on the birth of a grandson to their children Rabbi and Mrs.Tully Beer of Lakewood
Dovi & Esther Karfunkel on the Bar Mitzva of their son Mordechai